WPC: Magic

The Daily Press Weekly Photo Challenge for the week of November 18, 2016.

For this week’s challenge, find some magic, and charm us with it.


Grass spider webs covered in early morning dew

A Spider’s Web
Silk-thin silver strings woven cleverly into a lair,
An intricate entwining of divinest thread…
Like strands of magic worked upon the air,
The spider spins his enchanted web –
His home so eerily, spiraling spreads.

His gossamer so rigid, yet lighter than mist,
And like an eight-legged sorcerer – a wizard blest,
His lace, like a spell, he conjures and knits;
I witnessed such wild ingenuity wrought and finessed,
Watching the spider weave a dream from his web.Jonathan Platt





    • Well, great minds think alike of course! 😉
      I like your spider very much; maybe you noticed the spider in my photo…but it’s much tinier than yours. Cheers!

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