Duck Duck Goose

The theme for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week is Duck Duck Goose:


Your photos this week can have anything to do with ducks or geese.  They are birds, so I will let in anything bird as well.

There’s no shortage of ducks and geese around here, from the wild Canada geese who stop by on their annual migration (and some of them decide to stay on) to the local mallards paddling around Lake Natoma.  I’ve also included some ducks I spotted during my Christmas in Texas this year.



Trophy Club ducks



Lake Natoma geese



Canada geese patrol the bike trail


    • Yes, they can indeed! But for whatever reason, this bunch seemed to be in a mellow mood. I guess they’ve gotten used to seeing cyclists pass by. 🙂

    • He was lucky those three geese weren’t in an aggressive mood. But I suspect a lot of the cyclists using the bike trail really have no idea the geese aren’t always so tolerant! The domestic geese that hang around the beach at Negro Bar can get a little pushy too, if they think you’ve got food.

      I also heard from another hiker that he’d once been chased by a male wild turkey! I’ve only ever had them run away from me, but unpredictable wildlife is another good reason why I carry my little walking stick when I go out alone. 🙂

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