Happy Hummers


I’m still within my first year of hanging out a hummingbird feeder, and I’m slowly learning the ins and outs. My first feeder was beautiful to look at — but I found the sugar water dripped continually onto the ground and left nothing for any birds that happened by.

After eventually replacing it with something less spectacular, I’ve begun to have more success. A couple of mornings ago, I washed and refilled the feeder, then went out to stand on my chair and hang it.  I had to really stretch to reach the hook; and while I was struggling, with the feeder still in my hand, a hummingbird approached and tried to grab a snack!

“Hold on just a minute,” I begged him, so he retreated a couple of feet away and perched on a branch, keeping his eyes on me.  As soon as I finally reached the hook and let go of the feeder he was back — he must have been very hungry!

I was sorry I couldn’t have taken a picture of him as he’d whirred in place just above my hands; but after I’d gone back into the house I looked out the window and saw this:


I’m hoping this is just the beginning and I’ll have more (and better) hummer photos to share in the future!

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