WPC: Against The Odds


The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge for the week of February 15, 2017.

This week, share a photo that says “against the odds.” Maybe it’s a photo of an unlikely occurrence. Maybe it’s the photo itself that goes against the odds — a shot you never thought you’d get. Maybe it’s a photo of something you’re not sure you’ll be able to do.

It may have been early November and the middle of rutting season, but even so the very last thing I expected to see that morning was a huge buck swimming across Lake Natoma and climbing out of the water onto the middle of the bike trail.


Clearly, he was just as surprised as the handful of us early morning trail walkers who stood gaping — and fumbling for our phones and cameras.  Sure, outdoor lovers will occasionally spot a deer or two inside the state park, but how many times do you see a minimum four-point buck trotting down the middle of the bike trail?



  1. Amazing! We start to take them for granted up here. Missoula has an urban deer herd & not all apprecite them. I live out of town & rarely see deer because of the steep mountain. As an avid gardener, Ive gone from planting things deer don’t like to thinking I’d plant stuff for them, if I ever move to town.

    • The funny part is that I took the pictures with a cheap Sylvania brand mp3 player that came from my local Big Lots store. I’m just lucky I had it with me!

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