Mexico Monday redux, Week 4

We met so many wonderful people as we traveled through Mexico; I’m sad that I can recall so few details about them, like the folks in this week’s images. I do still have some memories, though — like staying at the Chacons’ lovely house in Mexico City. Their front door was unlike any I had ever seen before. It was a wide, modern thing made of frosted glass and metal which opened more like a gate (something like the image below — or scroll down to picture #19 here). I had a lot of fun climbing in and out of the doorway through the narrow gap at the back of the door.
Not every house where we stayed was fancy or large. Most were very modest dwellings, but no matter what, the people were ready to share whatever they had with us, and would feel genuinely hurt if we didn’t accept graciously. Their vast generosity made a deep impression on me as a youngster, and it’s something I will never forget.


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