Fast or slow?

I’m a sucker for waterfalls — even a little tiny one in the water feature of a neighbor’s landscaped yard. Something about the sound of cascading water can make me pause on my way home from a 4-mile hike and stand sweating in the sunshine long enough to play around with my camera settings. And since I can’t decide which […]

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Sweetwater shelter

I’d been hiking north for more than an hour, and the day was getting pretty warm. In fact, the sun was high overhead, and my stomach was telling me it was time to take a break and eat my sandwich and drink some cool water. The trouble was, I was walking along the lakeshore below the tree level. There was […]

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Kung Fu alley, Chinatown

While exploring San Francisco’s Chinatown last August, I wandered into Ross Avenue vaguely thinking I might stop by the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory for a  tour and a free sample. I probably should have known better; it was a weekend at the height of summer, and plenty of other people had the same idea. I found a long line […]

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Memory Monday, Week 112

I’m taking a break this week from the slides; instead, I’m looking back at a few old prints from the 1970s that were among some of the first photographs I ever shot. I’m so glad now that I still have these, since they depict the area around the house where I grew up and spent so many hours playing. The […]

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