Tales of Wells Fargo

I don’t have any data, but I suspect that old stage coaches are probably one of the most popular items in local museums. Maybe it’s because, like me, lots of folks grew up seeing the stage get held up at some point in just about every Western show and movie on TV. Of course, there were quite a number of […]

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Way to go

There are all kinds of ways of getting around in San Francisco, whether you’re sightseeing as a tourist or just trying to get to work and back. During my recent visit, it sometimes seemed to me that at least half the traffic was some form of public transportation or a taxi/ride-sharing service!

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Figeuroa Street Bridge

According to Bridgehunter.com: “One of four bridges built by the County in a three year period between 1915 and 1918. The most famous was Rainbow Bridge built in 1917. The first bridge of the group was the Orangevale Bridge built in 1915. The final of the group was the Powerhouse Canal Bridge built in 1916.” I shot these photos in […]

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