A walk to the pier

On our most recent stay in Point Arena last month, I was eager to get out one morning and take a walk down the road to the pier. It wasn’t the first time I had visited the pier, but this time I arrived on foot and was able to look around at some of the details I missed before. It was a pretty chilly morning and the pier was mostly quiet when I arrived, but the sunny day was sure to bring a few other people out as the morning wore on.

It’s a real plus to be able to wander around and explore the area around our house without getting into the car — ideally with little or no traffic to worry about. We’ve stayed in some really great places in the past where walking down the road just wasn’t possible; hiking along the side of Highway 1 in Sonoma or Mendocino counties is not something I would generally recommend!

Just a peaceful garter snake soaking up some morning rays along the road

I’ll have more images from my walk to the pier coming soon.

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